Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"I Want My Hat Back" in 1st grade

In 1st grade we read "I Want My Hat Back" by Jon Klassen.  As we learned about the bear looking for his hat, we noted the textures and the use of red to emphasize certain items in the book.  We also discussed the use of animals doing human things in books, and why that would be done.  Some other books that used animals were also looked at.    I got the idea for this from Mrs. Knight's Smartest Artists blog, here.
The elephant above broke his student chair while the lion was teaching!  The artist used yellow to emphasize the broken chair!

The snake is taking a bubble bath.  I guess the artist wanted to emphasize the red rubber duck!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Thanks for the link, glad your class enjoyed it as much as mine. Looking forward to checking out more of your blog.
