Thursday, October 25, 2012

First Grade and Still Life

   Fall is my absolutely most favorite time of year! Each year, I set up items on a table to create a still life for all of my classes. Each class creates several pictures using a variety of media. First grade used oil pastels and then Sharpie marker and watercolor. I love how their sharpie line shows through the transparent watercolors. 

  I like to add some strange objects and toys into the arrangement to keep the girls interested.  They change seats with each picture to keep it fresh.

Love how she filled the page, lots of detail!

Love the detail on the vase, the squiggle marks for the table cloth!
Funny picture of Skelley, he has been drawn so many different ways. 

Students working on their Sharpie and watercolor projects.
Some in oil pastel.

Hope you enjoyed their work!


  1. Lovely results! I love the detail and care they have taken :)

    1. Elizabeth, I think it helps to have all girls! Thanks!
